March 11, 2025

Zendaya Thinks Back on Spider-Man and MJ’s ‘Heartbreaking’ MCU Romance

In a unique new book, Spider-Man: No Way Home actress Zendaya discussed her character’s interactions with Tom Holland‘s Peter Parker.

MJ Zendaya Spider-Man

The webhead has been embroiled in one of the MCU’s most significant love stories ever since Tom Holland‘s debut in the series in 2017, just after Tony and Pepper and Steve and Peggy.

Regrettably, unlike those two relationships, which enjoyed considerable periods of happiness together, MJ and Peter’s relationship was short-lived since Spider-Man had to erase everyone’s memories of him in order to save the Multiverse. MJ is currently unaware of Peter Parker’s identity in the MCU.

Their love story is unquestionably one of the more tragic ones in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, if one were to think about it.

Zendaya Thinks Back on MJ and His Early Relationship


In the pages of Spider-Man: No Way Home The Official Movie Special Book, which Marvel recently released, actress Zendaya offered some fresh words about MJ’s brief encounters with Spider-Man via Twitter user @backtosnack TTV.

The actress said that having only “a few weeks to enjoy being kids in a new relationship and in love,” was the most “heartbreaking thing for her.

“The heartbreaking thing, for me, as someone who cares about Peter and MJ, is the fact that they got probably just a few weeks to enjoy being kids in a new relationship and in love…and then everything explodes in their face. I was like, ‘No, they deserve happiness!’

She went on to say that it was “clear from the first movie:” that MJ loved Peter.

“I think what’s important is they [MJ and Peter] love each other for who they are. It’s clear from the first movie that she’s probably loved him long before she figured out that he was Spider-Man. And he appreciates and loves all her quirky takes on life.”

However, it wasn’t just young love. Both lovers “[understood] each other on a real human level,” to Zendaya.

“What’s cool is [MJ and Peter] each understand each other on a real human level, which allows them to be more vulnerable. That has been the fun thing: watching her become more vulnerable as she knows that Peter loves her.”

She acknowledged that one aspect of the interaction she appreciated was how Peter’s“hopeful, positive side,” interacted so well with MJ’s “glass half empty” perspective:

“[MJ is] a very ‘glass half empty,’ negative person, but he [Peter] brings out this hopeful, positive side of her. I think that’s really sweet to watch – how they bring out these different parts of each other and rely on each other in different ways.”

She then attempted to explain why those people and their connection struck such a chord with viewers:

“The things that we as human beings can relate to, which are friendship and love and loss and guilt. . . . I mean, we may not have superpowers, but we all know what it’s like to go through these things. No matter how big a movie can be, it still feels connected to us.”

What Does MJ and Peter Parker’s Future Hold?

Despite having a tragic on-screen ending, Tom Holland and Zendaya have actually each had a small love affair. In fact, it was something that one of the movie’s producers even made an attempt to caution against—efforts that obviously failed.

But what about the fictitious versions of them?

There aren’t many hints about the future of the couple in No Way Home, but there is one that stands out in the screenplay.

On the page, it is stated that MJ experiences a “flicker of déjà vu” during her final exchange with Peter Parker in the coffee shop. Even though it’s only a little thing, it’s something, and it opens the possibility of a later emotional reunion.

There is no set date for the release of Spider-Man 4 as of yet. Several predictions placed the release in the summer of 2024, but given how full Marvel Studios’ schedule is, it seems unlikely that will be the case.

Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios, revealed that the fourth installment’s story is currently being written. So perhaps more information will soon become available.

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