March 12, 2025

In 1 new trailer, My Adventures with Superman reveals a twist from the first episode.

A significant Kryptonite twist in the forthcoming season finale of My Adventures With Superman was revealed in a new trailer.

For those who may not be aware, Kryptonite is one of the few things that can make the Man of Steel less powerful. It is a well-known aspect of both pop culture as a whole and the history of the character.

It unexpectedly didn’t show up until Episode 7 of the show, when Mr. Mxyzptlk left it with Lois Lane. Fans have been wondering how Clark Kent would acquire the poisonous diamond, and it has now been made clear.

My Adventures With Superman Kryptonite vision

Kryptonite Twist Spoiled by My Adventures with Superman

The major plot surprise involving Kryptonite and Clark Kent was revealed in a fresh trailer for the My Adventures with Superman season finale.

In the truncated trailer, Clark is seen catching the orb that Mr. Mxyzptlk gave to Lois Lane when it drops from its current position.

Videos of other villainous Supermen from throughout the Multiverse begin to play after the hero has it, shocking Clark as he watches in front of him.

The orb then bursts open, exposing Kryptonite, a hideous green stone.

Unsurprisingly, the Kryptonite strikes Clark quickly and knocks Superman to the ground. Oddly enough, this adaptation seems to hit particularly severely.

What Will Kryptonite and Superman Do Next?

My Adventures with Superman

The Kryptonite was given to Lois Lane in episode seven of My Adventures with Superman, and the show has wanted viewers to believe she may use it against Clark ever since. It was obvious that was never going to happen given their relationship.

Instead, the green stone finally found its way to Clark, where it was mistakenly turned against him, as everyone had predicted.

It is conceivable that there will be another twist that will emerge. The entire conversation with Superman is nothing new because everyone knows what Kryptonite means to him; it is, in fact, rather typical for a program that has been so distinctively different throughout its run.

My Adventures With Superman, Lois Lane

Perhaps Mr. M will be the subject of the next shoe to drop. After all, he did supply the lethal jewel; perhaps he is standing on the sidelines, poised to enter.

Uncertain goals however his involvement does call for a solution.

Even if Clark has only recently learned about his stone allergy, before the end of the episode, it’s likely that someone else will learn about it. The General and Alex (who many people think is a teenage Lex Luthor) would be the two most obvious options.

Right now, Max is streaming My Adventures With Superman.


  1. Who voices Deathstroke in My Adventures with Superman?

This interpretation of Deathstroke’s persona is unique to the timeline of the television program My Adventures with Superman. Marv Wolfman and George Pérez created the original character, who debuted in New Teen Titans #2. Chris Parnell provides the voice of Slade Wilson.

  1. Is Supergirl going to be in My Adventures With Superman?

The ensemble includes Ishmel Sahid from Cousins for Life as Jimmy Olsen, Jeannie Tirado from Soul as Lana Lang, Alice Lee from Zoey’s Extraordinary Christmas as Lois Lane, Kiana Madeira from Perfect Addiction as Kara Zor-El from Supergirl, and Jack Quaid from The Boys as Clark Kent/Superman.

  1. Who is the bad guy in My Adventures With Superman?

The General, also known as Samuel “Sam” Lane, is one of the two primary antagonists in Season One of the 2023 superhero animation My Adventures With Superman, along with Amanda Waller.

  1. Is the general in My Adventures With Superman General Lane?

The General’s identity is less obvious. General Sam Lane, the father of Lois Lane, who in comics was characterized by his dislike of aliens, is the most likely suspect.

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