March 12, 2025
Captain Marvel Meet the Marvels Childrens book

Did Monica Rambeau’s superhero name just get revealed in Captain Marvel 2?

Synergy between Marvel Comics and the MCU can occasionally reveal what Marvel Studios may have in mind for particular characters. As an illustration, consider how Monica Rambeau‘s superhero identity abruptly returned to Photon in the comics.

Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau, Kamala Khan, The Marvels, Captain Marvel 2

This alteration was undoubtedly done with the knowledge that Monica would use that identity in The Marvels rather than Spectrum. Given that Photon was Maria Rambeau’s flight call sign, Monica’s decision to use it as a tribute to her mother makes logical.

Some people, nevertheless, didn’t get the message, as Monica was given a new superhero codename in a recent children’s book.

Other Superhero Name of Monica Rambeau

Meet The Marvels, in the Marvel-licensed Little Golden Books series, featuring an intriguing super-power factoid and Carol Danvers, Kamala Khan, and Monica Rambeau battling as a team.

Captain Marvel Meet the Marvels Childrens book

The children’s book identifies them to younger readers as “The Marvels,” the name of the impending MCU movie, in yet another clear instance of synergy at work to help sell the impending Captain Marvel sequel:

“Readers will love this exciting new Marvel Little Golden Book about teamwork starring Carol Danvers, Kamala Khan, and Monica Rambeau—also known as The Marvels!”

The majority of fans, however, felt it odd that Rambeau is once more referred to as “Spectrum” and not Photon, as she has just started to do again in the comics:

“In this brand-new Marvel Little Golden Book, super heroes Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, and Spectrum team together!”

Since Monica is also referred to as Spectrum throughout the book, the inaccuracy is not limited to the online description.

So the issue is: Will Monica use the MCU names Photon or Spectrum?

Which Affiliation Will Monica Pick?

The most plausible explanation for this is because Monica’s transformation into Photon in the impending blockbuster was decided before Meet the Marvels was done.

There should be more contact between Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige’s studio and the comic book outlet now that he is officially in control of the comics.

However, it might also be the all-too-common attempts by Marvel Comics to piggyback on the success of Marvel Studios. However, considering that Monica’s mother’s former pilot codename was Photon, it’s a simple assumption to make.

On July 28, The Marvels will be released in theatres, and viewers will learn which name she chooses then.

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