In Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse 2, Gwen Stacy mentioned that Miguel O’Hara was a vampire. But what are Spider-Man 2099’s actual talents, and how do they match to those in the comics?

Miguel is also compared to the Blue Panther by Hailee Steinfeld’s Spider-Woman because of his distinctive talons. But one TV commercial where Gwen compared him to “a ninja vampire Spider-Man” caught their attention.
Shortly after giving that description, Miguel used real vampire-like fangs to try and bite Jorma Taccone’s vulture. But naturally, given that there are so many different Spider-Man characters in the comics that the movie is based on, Miguel just so happens to be one of them with his special abilities and backstory.
Is Miguel O’Hara a Blood Sucker?

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse spoilers are present in the remainder of this article.
Miguel O’Hara worked as an engineer at Alchemax in the comic books. He tried to leave the corrupt firm after learning about its inhumane experiments involving the genetic imprinting of humans but was given an addictive substance, which made him stay.
O’Hara applied the same experimental genetic imprinting technique on himself in a last-ditch effort to rid his body of the drug, effectively transforming 50% of his DNA into a spider’s. In addition to giving him the proportional strength of one, it also gave him Spider-Man-like superhuman agility, speed, reflexes, and stamina.
Furthermore, and maybe most noticeably, it gave him his now recognisable talons and fangs, transforming him into the Spider-Man of 2099.
Although Gwen’s depiction of him as a vampire might lead one to believe otherwise, he does not have a hunger for blood. Instead, his fangs emit a non-toxic paralysing venom, which is probably what he was trying to do to Mediaeval Vulture in Across the Spider-Verse.
O’Hara has hard-light webbing as opposed to organic webbing, which is one way she deviates from the comics. They still fire from his forearms, much like in the comics, but he has more control over their trajectory.
Another potential modification was the precise source and type of his powers.
An Unknown Injection
Miguel was pictured injecting himself with an unidentified green liquid into his neck inside the Spider Society’s headquarters in his home reality.
It’s likely that Miguel needs to take this drug on a daily basis in order to keep his superpowers from fading away, unlike in the comics.
There’s no doubt that it will be important again in the sequel after receiving so much attention from viewers, with Miguel perhaps running out of dosages or Miles and Gwen’s Spider-Squad disrupting his supply. It might even be the cause of O’Hara’s erratic and irrational behaviour.
Whatever the case, it seems that, like in his comic book origins, O’Hara gained his abilities by force rather than from a spider. He “tried to manipulate the genetics of former Spider-People,” giving rise to his powers, according to one piece of merchandise, which further supported this claim.
Therefore, even though Miguel O’Hara isn’t a true vampire, it doesn’t mean he hasn’t developed a thirst for Miles’ blood.
In theatres all across the world, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse 2 is presently showing.
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