March 12, 2025
Eternals, Angelina Jolie 2

Brutal Reaction from Eternals 2’s MCU Director to Sequel Rumors

Chloé Zhao, the filmmaker of Eternals 2, seems to be dodging inquiries regarding a Phase 4 movie sequel.

Eternals, Angelina Jolie

Despite Eternals`s unfavourable reviews from audiences and critics, a previous report claimed that a sequel was already in the works and had already been included to Marvel Studios’ production schedule.

Additionally, a prior listing may have hinted at the sequel’s impending filming because Ma Dong-management seok’s company, which represents Don Lee, who played Gilgamesh, stated that Eternals 2 is “scheduled to be created.

Director of Eternals Answers Follow-Up Question

Eternals, Angelina Jolie 2

Chloé Zhao, the filmmaker of Eternals, was asked by The Hollywood Reporter (THR) if she was still interested in exploring a potential sequel in light of current reports.

THR: “…There have been rumors about Eternals 2 for a little while now, is that something you’re still interested in pursuing?”

Zhao gave a direct response to the query, stating just, “No comment.”

The varied reactions to Eternals 2 do not seem to be enough to stop Zhao from working on a sequel. When questioned if she became frustrated by the audience response, the honoree director replied that “it’s almost impossible to make everybody happy” and that Eternals’ 2 critiques were inevitable:

“When you’re in Marvel and when you’re dealing with an audience that big, I truly treasure and respect that each of us is so unique. It’s exciting that we’re all so different, and we’re all changing and growing every day. But with a global audience, it’s almost impossible to make everybody perfectly happy, and to do that is to say that everyone is the same. So I think there’s inevitably going to be that [difference of opinion], and you just have to stay true to the kind of film you want to make and who you are and the people you’re collaborating with. That’s all you can do, really, and have a good time. Everything else is out of your control.”

Zhao’s words are consistent with her previous laudatory remarks about Marvel Studios, in which she noted the  “unlimited resources to make your imagination come true:”

“With smaller movies you may have freedom because in some ways you can do whatever you want, but when you wrap at three in the morning and then have to drive your cast home because they don’t have a form of transportation, there are limitations there, too. For a film this big, every movement you want to make, hundreds of people have to move with you. So decisions happen a bit slower. However, you also have unlimited resources to make your imagination come true, you can go to places, you have time, there are many other ways to have freedom.”

Chloé Zhao previously spoke on the potential for a sequel to the film in an interview with The Playlist, stating that “[she] would be back in a second” and concluding with a coy “we’ll see.”

Will Chloé Zhao Direct Eternals 2 Again?

Chloé Zhao’s most recent direct statement regarding returning to Eternals 2 might be a sign that she’s evading Marvel assassins since a “no comment” usually indicates that a person is involved in something but isn’t yet permitted to talk about it.

Despite the negative reviews, it is still unclear if Zhao would be open to returning for another go at directing an Eternals adventure.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe director appears at ease with the negative responses based on her words, and it is already clear that she intends to return.

It’s possible that coming back to helm a follow-up would be her atonement and give the cosmic franchise fresh vitality.

Disney+ is home to Eternals.

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