July 4, 2024

Are Chris Evans’ frequent MCU Return Questions Annoying? Cap Star’s Reaction

Chris Evans opened up on how he really feels about being questioned frequently about Steve Rogers/Captain America making a possible MCU comeback.

Chris Evans

Since Evans’ Avenger left the MCU to be with Peggy Carter in Avengers: Endgame, fans have been demanding for him to come back. This occurs when Sam Wilson, who will play the role of Captain America in Captain America: New World Order next year, begins his early days in the patriotic mantle played by Anthony Mackie.

As he promotes his post-MCU films like Ghosted, Lightyear, and Knives Out, Evans has been asked numerous interview questions about making a return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The majority of these inquiries have led to the same response, which centres on his love of his time as a superhero and his concern that making another appearance may jeopardise it.

Are Chris Evans’s concerns about the Captain America reboot annoying?

Chris Evans, Avengers: Endgame

Chris Evans, who plays Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, was questioned by AP Entertainment if he was sick of hearing rumours about a superhero franchise comeback.

The MCU veteran claimed that he does not find the inquiries “annoying at all” because he “[loves] that chapter of [his] life.” However, that’s also one of the causes for his reluctance to return:

“It’s not annoying at all. I love that role. I love that chapter of my life. And it’s because of that love that I’m apprehensive of doing any more, because I’m just so precious about it, you know? You don’t want to tarnish this great thing that I got to be a part of.”

In a conversation with People Magazine, Evans also discussed his life beyond Marvel. The actor said that since superhero films fulfil a common childhood fantasy, “you’d be a real jerk to not enjoy” filming them:

“Oh my God, you’d be a real jerk to not enjoy it. You get paid to take care of yourself and be a superhero. This is like what you [dream of doing] as a kid. You run around your backyard and pretend to be a comic book character. It’s been one of the greatest joys of my life to kind of dive in and prepare for these movies.”

When discussing ending his superhero career, Evans claims that while he was first “very happy to have a break,” four years later he “[misses] it now:

“They’re challenging but the beauty is the movies are great and you get out what you put in. It’s been a wonderful very symbiotic relationship so I’ve been thrilled to do it. When the movies end, you’re very happy to have a break but very quickly you miss it. I miss it now. But I’m very grateful, very happy to have been a part of them.”

Chris Evans’s MCU Comeback Possibilities Described

It should not come as a surprise that Chris Evans enjoys talking about his time as Captain America because he has previously discussed how significant it was to him. Although the actor feels “precious” and “protective” of his Steve Rogers, this affection is also one of the reasons he is reluctant to rejoin the MCU:

“Oh man, you know, as much as I would love to. That was such a special time in my life. I’m very precious with the character, That’s the problem. I’m so protective of it.”

The “right reasons [and] right timing” for a return to the MCU will come later, he continued in that same interview with Good Morning America:

“To come back, it would have to be for the right reasons, right timing. It feels a little too soon. Anthony Mackie is Captain America right now. There are other stories to tell. For now, we ended on such a good note. I would be too worried about tarnishing…”

Evans even unexpectedly made it obvious on Twitter that Anthony Mackie’s Sam Wilson is now Captain America, as he himself claimed. Therefore, finding his position would be difficult with his former mantle now occupied, even if the actor were up for more MCU fun if the perfect narrative comes around in the future.

The actor previously told Josh Horowitz of MTV News that reprising his role as Human Torch from 2005’s Fantastic Four would be “an easier sell” than Captain America because “he didn’t really get his day:”

“I mean, I guess all bets are off. Yeah. Look, I would love it. I would love it. That would actually be an easier sell to me than coming back as Cap. You know what I mean? Cap is so precious to me. And you know, I almost don’t wanna disrupt what a beautiful experience that was. But Johnny Storm, I feel like he didn’t really get his day. That was before Marvel really found its footing. So I loved that role and, you know, who knows.”

Given Evans’ reluctance to return the MCU, Marvel Studios will need to develop a remarkable narrative to convince him to don the stars and stripes once more. For Avengers: Secret Wars, many people will definitely be hopeful that the studio will be able to bring back Chris Evans’ Captain America and Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man.

Disney+ currently has the Captain America trilogy available for streaming.

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