July 3, 2024

Avengers 6 Writer Michael Waldron Gets New Contract With Marvel Studios

The writer of Avengers 6 Writer Michael Waldron, has reportedly agreed to a new contract with Marvel Studios.

Avengers Secret Wars Superheroes

Waldron has written for the Disney+ series Loki in 2021 and the film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness in 2022. He is now working on the script for Avengers 6, which concludes the Multiverse Saga.

Waldron has previously hinted that he’d “love to stay in that world,” making it apparent that he loves working with Marvel Studios.

Until the recent cancellation of that project at Lucasfilm, he was even scheduled to assist Kevin Feige with his Star Wars picture. Therefore, it would be a bit of an understatement to say that Disney has become fond of the scriptwriter.

The Dotted Line is Signed by Michael Waldron

Michael Waldron

Michael Waldron’s overall contract with Disney and Marvel Studios was renewed, according to a recent report from Deadline.

This comes after Waldron and his producing partner Adam Fasullo established their own TV and feature production company, called Anomaly Pictures. The two got to know one other and grew close while filming on the second season of Starz’s Heels, which will premiere later this year.

The deal’s full details are undisclosed, but they probably indicate that the screenwriter will be working on MCU and other projects for the House of Mouse for the foreseeable future.

Future Plans for Michael Waldron at Marvel Studios

Michael Waldron has had a significant impact on Marvel Studios and Disney at large in a relatively short period of time. Why else would the studio be so anxious to sign him to a longer contract?

This action should be viewed as a vote of confidence for writer Waldron by those who have had reservations about his work at Marvel, particularly in light of the mixed reviews of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

Despite not setting the world on fire, the Doctor Strange sequel was one of the most popular films of 2017.

The company must have been particularly enthused by something in his continued work on the Avengers: Secret Wars script.

Michael Waldron’s success in creating one of the MCU’s most cherished Disney+ series, Loki, also makes it understandable why Marvel Studios would want to keep working with him.

It’s unclear what he does after Secret Wars, but given how excited the studio is about the screenplay, it wouldn’t be all that odd to see him take on another significant MCU brand, like the X-Men.

On May 1, 2026, Avengers: Secret Wars will hit theatres.

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